elastic reality
what you see is what you get or the inner secret - the inner truth: the secret of the painting or object is not revealed, the inner truth of the painting/object is the object as itself and has its own elastic reality
cor-ten steel objects and acryl glass installations, which seem to hover – to levitate, to vanish on their mirroring surfaces and elude from their complete grasp. They create an elastic reality in their color-space and within their surreal and abstract content - they veil their secret , withdrawn from the beholder.
metal melting mirroring meteor
the deconstruction of the object in perception the dissolving of the shape in the coherence of thoughts and experience of object perception the dissolving of the shape of the object with mirroring, melting, corrosion and the use of new constructions of words and meanings with anagrams
the perception induces the image – the imagination, the imagination - the vision discovers and forms the shape the vision – the mind generates and creates the object the mind deliberates possible meanings, conceivable realities - of the object the mind chooses the relativity of the reality and the meanings of the object
the revelation of the relativity of realities
the relativity of reflected reality is conceptually manifested in Marion Jungeblut's sculptures, objects installations and their appearance. Speculative words and specular reflective surfaces induce and create the possiblilities of divergent and different realities in multiple levels and layers of visual and cognitive perception.
– it remains uncertain
– it remains distant
the relativity of reflected realities
– unthought manifestations
In the exhibition the relativity of reflected realities – unthought manifestations is shown how speculative possibilities of thought under the hypothetic assumption of multiplicative realities is conceptually manifested in sculpture, object, installation and their appearance.
For the first time the beholder is invited and confronted in this juxtaposition von 2D and 3D objects to test the reflection of light on a specular reflecting surface with his subjective perception in which the phenomenological status of reflection is linked to the linguistic philosophical thinking of reflecting. In this process, as in the objects of the Anagram Series, instantly and momentarily associative different word connections are manifested.
The subjective relativity of associations in the moment of viewing as the relative positon and point of view to the object evokes different images and associations in different levels and layers of visual and cognitive perception. Speculative words and specular reflective surfaces induce and create the possibilities of divergent and different realities.
The ambivalence of the relativity of reflected realities is revealed in works as WORD WORLD (“… behind every word a whole world is hidden that can be imagined…”, Heinrich Böll, The Paris Review, spring 1983) and REVOLUTION EVOLUTION LOVE – 3D object ( August 2017 Württembergischen Kunstverein / Stuttgart in the exhibition: Präsenz, Krise, Utopie / Presence, Criticism, Utopia ) und oscillates between English and German linguistic usage.
The visual and cognitive perception aims for the subjective associative cognition – therefore the surface of the objects – sculptures and installations is constructed in their implementation from raw – rough – corroded – decayed to reflecting, dissolved in mirroring or liquid – fluid – flexible.
It is a play with word compositions, neologism, light, reflection on different levels of meaning – on visual and cognitive levels of perception.
the relativity of reflected realities – unthought manifestations
the relativity of reflected realities
– unthought manifestations
In der Ausstellung the relativity of reflected realities – unthought manifestations zeigt sich wie eine spekulative Gedankenmöglichkeit unter der Annahme multiplikativer Wirklichkeitsformen konzeptionell in der Skulptur und ihrem Erscheinungsbild manifestiert.
Erstmals in dieser Gegenüberstellung von 2D und 3D Objekten wird der Betrachter eingeladen die Reflexion von Licht an einer Grenzfläche mit seiner eigenen Wahrnehmung zu prüfen, wobei der phänomenologische Zustand des Spiegelns eine Verbindung eingeht mit dem sprachlich philosophischen Denken des Reflektierens. Dabei, wie bei den Objekten der Anagram Serie, manifestieren sich augenblicklich auch assoziative Wortzusammenhänge.
Die subjektive Relativität der Assoziationen beim Betrachten, wie auch der relative Standpunkt des Betrachters zum object evozieren unterschiedliche Bilder und Assoziationen auf verschiedenen Ebenen der visuellen und kognitiven Wahrnehmung. Worte und reflektierende Oberflächen erzeugen die Möglichkeit von divergenten, differenten Realitäten.
Die Ambivalenz zeigt sich zum Beispiel in Werken wie WORD WORLD ( “… behind every word a whole world is hidden that can be imagined…”, Heinrich Böll, The Paris Review, spring 1983) und REVOLUTION EVOLUTION LOVE – 3D object ( August 2017 Württembergischen Kunstverein / Stuttgart in der Ausstellung : Präsenz, Krise, Utopie ) und pendelt zwischen dem englischen und deutschen Sprachgebrauch.
Die visuelle und kognitive Perzeption ist angelegt auf die subjektiv assoziative Wahrnehmung – dabei ist die Oberfläche der objects in ihrer Ausformung von rauh–korrodiert–zerfallend bis reflektierend, in der Spiegelung auflösend oder flüssig-beweglich konstruiert.
Es ist ein Spiel auf der visuellen und kognitiven Wahrnehmungsebene mit Wort - Kompositionen, Licht, Reflexion, auf verschiedenen Bedeutungsebenen.
the relativity of reflected realities – unthought manifestations
all rights reserved – copyright by marion jungeblut
all material published on this website is under copyright by marion jungeblut if not stated otherwise
it is mandatory to contact me first via e-mail if you would like to use any photo,information or any data etc from this website